I lOvE tHiS mOvIe!!!!! ABSOLUTELY.
This movie was made in 1983, of course. There is a lot of "totally" "for sure" and "likes" in this movie, but used in the most appropriate ways. I mean, I support it because Nicholas Cage (Randy, the punk rock one, obviously not from the valley) knows what he is doing. Julie isn't very pretty for being the leader of the popular girls and for dating, then breaking up with (oh, thats a good scene, she breaks up with this guy in a mall at the bottom of some escalators while her possy is about 5 feet away- she was never in love with him i guess.) the guy every girl says is a total hunk.
Favorite quote: "Fuck off...for sure...like totally" (Nik Cage)
My only regret is that it is too short. If you know me then you know I love short movies. If you know me than you know that you must see Valley Girl.