We have been watching movies for 2 weeks now. Annie was the very first one in our new apartment on Chicago's southside. This was an excellent starter. For a couple of girls and a 6 inch t.v, Annie made the cut. Highlights: Annie's awesome haircut (bright red afro with two rattails,) meeting President Roosevelt, orphan chic, and "Easy Street." While you do have to be in the right setting and the right mood, you don't have to wait for this light musical comedy to hit your soft spot. Annie's got it all. Cuddle up with your best gal pal with some pop corn and a kit-kat (yum!) and take off your dancing shoes, this is a night in. Heck! After watching this signature classic, we wished we lived in a chill pad with tons of girls with no parents in earshot! Oh wait! We do!
Ten stars
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