Okay, if you were one of those kids that loved to turn on the disney channel and find a good movie focused around friendship and friends defeating really bad enemies in order to keep the beautiful friendship alive, anyway if all this is true than you've probably seen hocus pocus a million times. The point is, you should watch it again, you might love it just the same or you might love it even more. Thora Birch! remember her? Just as cute in 'Monkey Business' (another must-see-again)

She's soo cute, she really Makes the movie, one of those little cute independent girl characters who stands up for her big brother, even when he has a really hot date, she's good at embarrassing him.
Oh and Bette Midler! If you were a lil kid the first time you saw hocus pocus, you probbaly didnt even know that the witch with the funny lips (more like funny lipstick actually) is bette midler! see it again! you'll give it an A+ (again) too!
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