Another movie about a spunky little squirt that happens to be a cute and grape-boobed 11 year-old. And guess who loved it? Moi. Why? Because anyone who grew up wearing giant t-shirts and spending half the summer damp and sticky all the way through grade school knows that there's more to life than boys... and that's men.
And it's about being you, which is a unique, sexy woman at any age! Work it!
But don't watch this movie if you're too spunky to cry, because I guarentee you that you'll spend a lot of energy holding back the waterworks at Thomas J.'s funeral. When Veda walks in there and starts screaming "He's not wearing his glasses! How is he going to be a gymnast when he doesn't have his glasses!" that's it for me. And that'll be it for you, and you and you and you.
Also, watch this movie if you want to see Jamie Lee Curtis while she was still a fox. Anna Chlumsky still is.
The best review of a classic 90's flick ever.
And yes, I just reviewed a review.
dassa ma twin.
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